Tarot Suit of Cups

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From the Robin Wood Tarot

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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

King of Cups

A kind, considerate man. A father figure. A person interested in the arts, balanced. A deep man with a quiet demeanor, quiet power.

REVERSED: a powerful, two-faced man. A violent man. A double-cross.

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Queen of Cups

A soft, nurturing mother figure, perhaps too protective. Kind but not energetic. Will help if it's not all too taxing. Good insight, love, gentleness.

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Knight of Cups

An opportunity may be presented to the seeker. Arrival of a lover. Appeal, approach, creativity, inspiration.

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Page of Cups

A helpful youth of artistic temperament, studious and intense. A trustworthy and trusting employee. The seeker finds that a child brings joy. A birth.

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Ten of Cups

Home, joy, familial bliss. Peace. Love. Plenty. Contentment of the heart. Respect from your neighbors.

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Nine of Cups

Satisfaction, plenty, sensual pleasures, wellbeing, success, security, wishes fulfilled.

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Eight of Cups

Abandonment of this phase of life, rejection of material things and a turning toward spiritual things. Disappointment in love. A search for new paths.

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Seven of Cups

Dreaming instead of acting. Overactive imagination. Inability to choose a single path or goal. Illusion. Head in the clouds. A mystical experience, positive visualization.

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Six of Cups

The past, memories, nostalgia, knight on a pillar. Times which have passed by and vanished. Innocence, youthful idealism.

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Five of Cups

Sorrow, loss, disillusionment, bitterness, relationship ending (marriage, work, friendship). Despite feelings, do not give up hope--look for the positive.

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Four of Cups

Discontent with materialism. A time of introspection and contemplation; start of self-awareness. Alternatively, self-involvement. World-weariness. A search for understanding. Solitude. Disregarding offered gifts.

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Three of Cups

Good fortune, artistic ability, sensitivity. Perhaps a party is in store. Fulfillment, healing, harmony.

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Two of Cups

Satisfying love, friendship, platonic love, a good partnership, harmony, cooperation. Opposing forces blend and yield a glorious whole.

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Ace of Cups

Joy, abundance, perfection, fertility, fulfillment. Good things overflowing, fullness. Favorable outlook, faithfulness. Love.

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