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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

His mother scolded him for not wearing socks.
- to scold

Su madre lo reganó por no llevar calcetines.
- regañar (transitive)

The couple quarreled.
- to quarrel (not "se peleó")

La pareja regañó.
- regañar (intransitive)

m/Your parents are having a falling out.
(from the movie Money Heist)
- to fall out

Tus padres están regañados.
- regañar (intransitive)

to shit

cagar (vulgar)

Yesterday I had an interview but I was scared shitless and didn't go.
- to be scared shitless, to shit oneself

Ayer tuve una entrevista pero me cagué y no fui.
- cagarse

You fucked up my date with your bullshit.
- to fuck up
- to fuck oneself up
- the bullshit

Cagaste mi cita con tus pendejadas.
- cagar (transitive)
- cagarse
- las pendejadas (L.A.)

What are you wearing?

¿Qué llevas puesto?

nice like you
- nice
- the buddy
(from Money Heist movie)

majete como tú
- majete (Spain)
- el majete (Spain colloquial)

to shoot at close range
hint: not "a quemarropa"
(from Money Heist movie)

disparar a bocajarro

the failed leadership
- failed

el liderazgo fallido
- fallido/a

Sixty percent voted in favor, 20% against and the remaining 20% abstained.
- to abstain

El sesenta por ciento votó a favor, el 20% en contra y el 20% restante se abstuvo.
- abstenerse (pronominal): conjugate like "tener"

the storage

el almacenamiento

the container (not "el envase" or "el recipiente")

el contenedor

the turtle, the tortoise

la tortuga (2)

the time frame

el marco de tiempo

Do I look like a dumbass to you?
- the dumbass
- suckling (adj)

¿Yo te parezco un mamón?
- el mamón (colloquial)
- mamón

I'm joking.
hint: not "estoy bromeando"
- the joke

Estoy de coña.
- la coña (el chiste, la broma)

Maria has been in labor for more then twenty-four hours.
- the labor, the birth

María ha estado de parto por más de veinticuatro horas.
- el parto (2)

(context: the vaccine distribution)
When is it going to be your turn?
hint: not "¿Cuándo será su turno?"

(el contexto: la distribución de la vacuna)
¿Cuándo le va a tocar a usted?

My piano teacher pointed out the importance of practicing.
- to point out (not "apuntar")

Mi profesora de piano puntualizó la importancia de practicar.
- puntualizar



the cartridge (e.g., weapon, printer)
(also heard: last "round" in a an effort

el cartucho

The perfect is the enemy of the good.

Lo perfecto es enemigo de lo bueno.

We don't like flaws.
- the imperfection, the flaw
- imperfect

No nos gustan las imperfecciones.
- la imperfección
- imperfecto/a

She bumps into the sofa.
- to bump into, to stumble

Ella tropieza con el sofá.
- tropezar (2) (e->ie) (intransitive)

We want to speak fluently, without stumbles.
- the stumble

Queremos hablar con fluidez, sin tropiezos.
- el tropiezo

To expect to speak without making not even a single error is a little naive.
- naive (not "ingenuo"), idealistic

Pretender hablar sin cometer ni un solo error es de ilusos.
- iluso/a (2)

Did you upload the photos of your trip?
- to upload, to raise (to climb, to go up)

¿Subiste las fotos de tu viaje?
- subir (transitive)

They found a six year old boy tied up in a shed.
- to tie, to tie up (not "atar" "ligar")
- the shed

Encontraron a un niño de seis años amarrado en un cobertizo.
- amarrar (transitive)
- el cobertizo

the poultry (not "la pollería")

las aves

optional (2)

opcional, facultativo/a
