Social studies

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Absolute location

An exact location using longitude and latitude coordinates

Relative location

In approximate location of the nearby landmarks

Political region

A region with the same or similar government, culture ,region

Physical region

Region with the same or similar natural features

Perceptual region

A region based on a stereotypical feeling about it

Human characteristics

Man-made features that are unique to a specific place

Physical characteristics

Naturally occurring characteristics that are unique to specific place


The way in which people and animals travel around the world or the surface of the world changes

What is three ways in which the surface of the Earth changes?

A earthquakes B volcano, C tectonic plates

Human environment interaction

The ways humans effect, and change the world


Plant life


Animal life


Imaginary lines that run horizontally and measure north and south with 0– 90°C. Main line of latitude is the equator


Imaginary lines that run vertically and measure east and west measure as 0–180 Celsius wind meets at the poles and gets farther apart towards the equator called meridians mainland want to is called the prime meradian