Vocabulary Unit 4

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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

Not polite, hurtful

My best friend broke with her boyfriend because he hitted her, that is very rude.

Rely on (something)
Trust, believe

When I have a problem, I talk with my friend, becaise she does not say anything. I rely on her.

To stand in the way

She got in the way, so I could not pass. I was very angry because she block my way and never moved.

Old man

My grandmother has 70 years, she is a elderly woman, but she is very strong.

Make eye contact with (someone)
To look someone in the eyes

Whe I was walking, a strange man looked me, I made eye contact with the man, but a few seconds later, the man didn't stay in the way.

A long round piece of metal for holding onto

In the subway, I hold on the pole, bur sometimes this piece of metal is very dirty.


Teddy has the flu so he sneezes qhe his nose itches.

Polite ways of behaving

In the table, you have to demostrate manage , when you are eating.

To make sure that people do something that they are supposed to do