Test 1

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Bookmark to learn: Login to use bookmarks.

Bookmark to learn: Login to use bookmarks.

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Help using Flashcards ...just like in real life ;)

  1. Look at the card, do you know this one? Click to flip the card and check yourself.
  2. Mark card Right or Wrong, this card will be removed from the deck and your score kept.
  3. At any point you can Shuffle, Reveal cards and more via Deck controls.
  4. Continue to reveal the wrong cards until you have correctly answered the entire deck. Good job!
  5. Via the Actions button you can Shuffle, Unshuffle, Flip all Cards, Reset score, etc.
  6. Come back soon, we'll keep your score.
    “Repetition is the mother of all learning.”
  7. Signed in users can Create, Edit, Import, Export decks and more!.

Bookmark to learn: Login to use bookmarks.

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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

la computadora


el ordenador

la pantalla

the computer screen,


the desk

la alfombrilla

mouse pad

el ratón


el teclado


el icono


la barra de herramientas


un sitio web

Web site

la página de inicio
(inicial, frontal)

home page

el botón regresar

back button

el botón borrador

delete key

el archivo


la carpeta


la impresora


una copia dura

hard copy

el correo electrónico, e-mail
el e-mail
el/la destinatario(a) addressee, recipient
la dirección de correo e-mail address
electrónico (de e-mail)
arroba the @ sign
punto dot (Internet)
la libreta de (e-mail) address
direcciones book
la bandeja de entrada inbox (e-mail)
la bandeja de enviados sent mailbox
el documento adjunto attached file
prender to turn on
apagar to turn off
entrar en línea to go online
hacer clic to click (computer)
oprimir, pulsar to press, to push
(button, key)
guardar to save, to keep