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Organizing the string of letters B-F-J-T-A-V-K-C into JFK-TV-CAB is an example of


Consider the sentence "The dishwasher is running." Which of the following is true?

It can have more than one deep structure.

According to the DSM-5, children with separation anxiety disorder often experience which of the following symptoms in addition to excessive fear or anxiety over separation from attachment figures?

Excessive concern about the safety and well-being of attachment figures.

Patients with bilateral damage to the hippocampal formation are tested on motor learning tasks such as the Tower of Hanoi. Studies show that the patients improve their performance with repeated exposures. When asked whether they have ever seen the task, even after numerous test sessions with it, they typically report not having seen it before. Such results have led to which of the following conclusions?

Although procedural memory may not rely on normal hippocampal functioning, declarative memory does.

Which of the following is chemically similar to opiates, has the ability to reduce pain, and is blocked by the action of naloxone?


The bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, and tremors that characterize Parkinson's disease are a result of the degeneration of dopaminergic cells in the

sustantia nigra

Which of the following best characterizes an infant's object concept at six months of age?

The infant understands objects to be solid bounded entities that take up space and move on continuous paths.

A 40-item vocabulary test was administered to a group of students. A second, similar test of vocabulary terms was administered to this same group of students approximately one week later. The researcher reported that the correlation between these two tests was r = .90. What type of reliability is represented in this example?

Alternate forms

Over many trials a puff of air aimed at Joanne's eyes is paired with a loud noise and a subtle smell. Afterward, it is very likely that Joanne's condition eye blink will be under the control of the loud noise and not the subtle smell. This phenomenon is an example of


The idea that people cope with stress by moving toward people, away from people, or against people is most consistent with the views of

Karen Horney

Which of the following is the best example of the categorical perception of human speech?

When a sound is presented that is intermediate between the phonemes /b/ and /p/, listeners report that they heard either a distinct /b/ or a distinct /p/.

Charles Scott Sherrington proposed that rapid stimulation of a specific synapse is likely to produce a cumulative effect in the postsynaptic cell because of

temporal summation

The visual pathway that tells us what we are looking at is called the

ventral stream

The standard deviation of a sample of test scores is the measure of the

variability of individual scores

Rapid eye movements are most closely associated with which of the following?


Annette is looking for a psychotherapist whose clinical work is rooted in object relations theory. The best match for Annette would be a therapist who emphasizes:

Early life relationships

Kyle mixes his blue paint with Jaime's yellow paint. The resulting green color occurs because

The blue and yellow absorb all the other wavelengths except for green.

Which memory store is believed to have the largest capacity?

The long-term store.

The use of polite words such as "please" and "thank you" in everyday speech is called


Edmundo got into an argument with the grocery clerk. When he returned to his car after shopping, he discovered that he received a parking ticket. Edmundo furiously crumpled up the ticket and threw it on the ground. When his friend Terri told him to calm down, he scream at her to mind her own business. Which of the following theories best accounts for Edmundo's behavior?

Excitation transfer

According to Jean Piaget, young infants are in which stage of development?


Young children form rudimentary sentences that resemble telegrams even though they have never heard anyone make such utterances before. This is evidence of

a universal grammar

A fixed action pattern is defined as a response to a

sign stimulus

Damaging the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus in rats will

interfere with the biological clock that is synchronized with light

Which of the following increases the power of a statistical test?

Changing from a two-tailed to a one-tailed test

Georgia sees a sign in the bathroom stall that says "Do not write on the wall under any circumstances." Georgia takes out her pen and begins to write all over the walls. According to social psychologists, Georgia is experiencing


The tendency to attribute your success to dispositional factors and your failures to situational factors is called the

self-serving bias

What term is the best used to describe the smallest meaningful unit of a language?


The action potential is triggered at which of the following parts of a neuron?

Axon hillock

Gonadal hormones can act early in life to irreversibly determine a rat's mate selection through effects referred to as


Ability derived directly from previous experience is known as

crystallized intelligence

"Of several responses made to the same situation, those which are accompanied or closely followed by the satisfaction to the animal will, other things being equal, be more firmly connected with the situation; those which are accompanied or closely followed by discomfort to the animal will, other things being equal, have their connections with that situation weakened". This statement was written by:

Edward Thorndike

What type of design was used in this study?


Correlations of IQ scores are highest for which of the following pairs?

Monozygotic twins reared apart in adoptive families

Damage to which area of the brain leads to a decrease in physically aggressive behavior and social rank?


Before taking an exam, Sinead imagines that she will get the worst grade in the class, even though she usually performs very well. Imagining the worst seems to help her deal with the anxiety associated with the exam. WHat term best describes Sinead's strategy?

Defensive pessimism

Which of the following techniques of studying the brain involves the use of x-rays?

Computered tomography

Damage to the lateral hypothalamus of rats is known to produce deficits in the regulation of

eating and drinking

According to a current model, learned helplessness in humans is determined by causal explanations of prior uncontrollable events. These casual explanations are referred to as


Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are most often characteristics of

Alzheimer's disease

Participants in an experiment are asked to look at a display and to find the one straight line among a number of circles. The participants are able to find the line just as quickly among twenty circles as they are among five circles. These results suggest that finding the straight line depends on

a preattentive process

Albert recently noticed that he has difficulty hearing people at crowded parties even though his hearing seems fine in quiet surroundings. He most likely has damage to his

hair cells

Which of the following is a chronic condition that can cause anterograde amnesia in some people?


Cephalocaudal development refers to development that proceeds from

head to tail

Which of the following represents the correct order of stages in Bibb Latane and John Darley's model of helping?

noticing, interpretation, perception of responsibility, knowing how to help, deciding to help

According to Edward Tolman, behavior is best understood as

molar and purposive

A recent article in an educational journal described a university at which the average age is 26. This article also mentioned that 38% of the students are over 25. What can be concluded from this information?

The distribution must be skewed.

When people first sense a new stimulus, only temporary changes in neurons take place, but eventually, more permanent changes occur. This is called


An experimenter predicts that bright colors enhance creativity. She provides brightly colored crayons to the first 15 children who show up for an experiment and muted colored crayons for the remaining 15. She then examines their drawing and judges the brightly colored drawings to be more creative. The study is flawed because it lacks

random assignment and a double-blind procedure

Five randomly selected groups of participants are shown a list of words, one word at a time. Each group of participants is assigned a different task to perform on each word on the list. After completing the list, the participants are given a surprise test for recall of the words. Which of the following assigned tasks is most likely to result in the best recall?

Producing a synonym for each of the words

The antianxiety effects of benzodiazepines such as diazepam result from their binding with the receptor for which of the following neurotransmitters found in the amygdala?

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

A persistent, unreasonable, and unwanted thought is known as

an obsession

Which of the following distinguishes experts from novices in many fields of endeavor?

Speed in recognizing relevant complex patterns

Randy is exceptionally organized. For example, he color codes all his bills and alphabetizes the groceries in his cupboards. According to Freud's theory, Randy is most likely fixated at which stage of psychosexual development?


Consider the diagram above in which the outcomes for two people (Joanne and Malik) are represented as a series of numbers, depending on their own behavior and the behavior of the other person. A scientist uses these outcomes to predict the likely behavior of each of the individuals . The scientist is most likely studying which of the following?

social exchange

Who is reported to be the first researcher to utilize a twin studies methodology in attempting to resolve the nature-nurture controversy?

Francis Galton

Which of the following hormones is responsible for preparing the uterus for the implantation of an ovum that has been fertilized?


Which school of psychology rejected the concept of consciousness and defined psychology as an objective natural science?


Which of the following is a memory store that is highly sensitive to masking stimuli presented within 200-300 millisecond of the presentation of an array of letters?

sensory memory

In an experimental procedure, an animal recieves a half second of foot shock, then a half second of no stimulus, and then a tone. In a later presentation of the tone, the animal displays a fear response. This result most likely indicates the occurrence of

backward conditioning

When newborn baby Yasmin's cheek is stroked, she turns her head in the direction of the stimulus. Which reflex is Yasmin demonstrating?


The overjustification effect states which of the following?

Extrinsic rewards can diminish children's intrinsic motivation to learn

The belief that differences among spoken languages cause difference in the thinking and problem-solving styles of speakers is called

the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Participants in a social psychological experiment observe through a one-way glass as two students take an oral quiz. The situation is arranged such that both Arthur and Sheri get 15 of the 25 questions correct, but Arthur gets each of the first 5 questions correct, while Sheri gets none of the first 5 correct. Most participants observers would likely conclude that

Arthur is a better student than Sheri.

A security screener in the airport checks by hand everything that seems suspicious. It is critical that she never let any potentially dangerous item through her security checkpoint. In terms of signal detection theory, this screener is likely to make

a large number of hits and a large number of false alarms

The Premack principle states that

a more frequent behavior will reinforce a less frequent behavior

Melvin has a set of Von Frey hairs of different diameters. He starts by pressing a thing hair against a participant's toe and continues with increasingly thicker hairs until the participant feels pressure. Melvin then starts with a thick hair and uses increasingly thinner hairs until the participant does not feel the pressure. Melvin is using the method of


Some researchers believe that people acquite a second language better if they learn it prior to adolescence, whereas other researchers believe that people can easily learn most aspects of a second language, even beyond adolsence. However, based on the most frequently observed limitation in second language use, both groups would expect to observe less than native-like competence after adolescence in which of the following?


Which of the following are the two individuals credited with the founding of psychology, as indicated by the formation of psychology laboratories in the 1870s?

Wilhelm Wundt and William James