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Greek and Roman dieties


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What is Zues's Roman Name?

Jupiter, God of thunder and lightning

What is Hera's Roman name?

Juno/Janus, Goddess of Woman and marriage

Poseidon's Roman name?

Neptune, God of the Sea

Hades's Roman name?

Pluto, God of the Underworld/Death

Athena's Roman Name?

Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom

Apollo's roman name?

Apollo, God of sun, light, music, poetry, and medicine

Artemis's Roman Name?

Diana, Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, childbirth, and vegetation

Aphrodite's Roman name?

Venus, the Goddess of love and beauty

Hermes's Roman name?

Mercury, God of science and invention

Ares's Roman name?

Mars, God of War

Hephaestrus's Roman name?

Vulcan, God of blacksmithing and fire

Hestia's Roman name?

Vesta, Goddess of home, the hearth, and hospitality

Demeter's Roman Name?

Ceres/Deo, Goddess of the harvest and agriculture

Dionysus's Roman name?

Bacchus, God of wine and pleasure

Who were the Minoans?

They were a group of people who lived on Crete around 600 B.C. and gave women more freedom than most acient cultures.

What's Knossos?

The land on which the Minoans lived and built up.

What is the legend of the Minotaur?

The Minotaur was monster-half man, half bull child that was birthed of Helios's daughter who was king Minos's wife. He ate only human flesh so the king would sacrifice people to keep it satisfied.

Who is Theseus?

He was a warrior from Greece that King Aegeus sent to defeat the Minotaur. He was meant to be sacrificed to the Minotaur, but Minos's daughter fell in love and begged their craftsoman to save him. he gave her magical thread and told her to go through the Labrynth at midnight when the Minotaur was sleeping. They did soa dn the thread to the Minotaur, whome Theseus slayed.

What is Santorini?

An island in the Aegean Sea

What was the Aegean Sea?

A sea that separated Greece and Modern day Turkey, or Troy

What is Mycenaean?

another name for the Bronze Age

What was the Trojan War?

A war fought between Troy and Greece

Who is Achilles?

He was an invincible soldier who died in the Trojan War when Paris shot an arrow into his heel and it killed him

What was the Persian War?

A war fought between Greek and Persia

What was the Peloponnesian War?

A Greeks versus Athens and Sparta war

Who was Romulus?

He was twin brother of Remus. Romulus killed his twin and founded Rome

Who is Janus?

The Roman version of Hera, Jupiter's wife

What is the Hellenistic era?

Greek history, language, and culture from the death of Alexander the Great to the defeat of Cleopatra; Greek Golden Age

What myth does "panic" originate from?

The Greek of the Wild; Pan because panic made you go wild with fear

What myth does "the Midas Touch" originate from?

King Midas who could anything to gold

What myth does "Atlas" originate from?

The titan Atlas who had to hold the weight of the world; a name for someone carrying a heavy burden

What myth does "siren" originate from?

Supernatural mermaids who's singing voice would lure sailors to rocks where they crashed.: now, ironically, used for a name of a warning

What is a Titan?

A titan is a name for a large or really powerful person- came from the myth of the Greek titans who were powerful and really strong beings. Primordal came before Titans and Titans came before the Greek Gods.
