Java and CLI Syntax

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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

(CLI Syntax)
ls - al

Print Working Directory
Change Directory
List (files and folders)
List all and long (files and folders)

(CLI Syntax)
cp -r

move (files or folders)
copy (files)
copy (folder)
mk dir (make directory)

(CLI Syntax)

remove (filr)
remove (folder)
create blank file, or change date stamp on a file

(Git Syntax)
git commit
git commit -a
git commit --amend

Git commit saves changes to files, (and creates a snapshot of the changes) in your local repository.
-a includes all changed files in the commit
-amend rewrites the most recent commit (do NOT do if you've pushed already)

(Git Syntax)
git commit -m " "
git add --all

git commit -m saves changes to files locally, and adds a message
git add --all stages changed files for a commit

What does the 'final' modifier do to a variable?
final double pi = 3.14;

a final variable is CONSTANT, and does not change.

(Java Syntax)

if if/else statement

if (condition) {
statement or block performed if condition is true
} else {
statement or block performed if condition is not true

(Java Syntax)

Ternary Operator

conditional ? true_value : false_value

(Java Syntax)

Basic Method structure

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