South Africa Animals Information

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Bat Eared Fox

Can be found above the Letaba River in Kruger. They prefer mopane shrubveld and can be found in grasslands in the east.


For some species, entirely diurnal


Can survive almost anywhere there is sufficient cover to hide and food to eat
Equally at home in the trees and on the ground.

Gray Mongoose
Predatory Behavior

When they stumble upon prey or flushes it from hiding, lunges suddenly. If it misses, may continue restless quartering but will more often lie tense on the ground or stand immobile before rushing and grabbing its pray.

Attacks snakes from the rear and retreats before the snake can strike. Digs out crocodile eggs.

Predatory Behavior
Killing method, Killing birds, hares.

Kills medium sized antelope up to 2x bigger than it's size by using same technique as bigger cats: suffocating with a neck bite.
Uses jumping and climbing ability to catch rock hyrax, takes sleeping birds from their nest including martial and tawny eagles.
Sandgrouse, doves, pigeons, etc are vulnerable when drinking at waterholes with nearby cover.
Has killed hares by pinning them to the ground and kicking/clawing with hindfeet if the prey struggles.
Usually leaves some meat uneaten. Also avoids eating hair by shearing the meat closely.
They do not eat meat that has started to go bad though they do often return to kills.
Some small kills may be cached in tree forks.


Selective grazer on perineal grasses. Browses some 10-20% on forbs, leaves, and pods.

Water Dependence
