Positive Memories

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Favorite meal in the past month

What are some of my strengths?

Name something that makes me a good pilot

Favorite memory from high school

Best book I have read in the past year

Name a time where you felt completely at peace

Name a time where you felt truly happy

Favorite cruise or vacation you’ve taken

Best TV show you’ve watched in the past year

Name a nice memory from college

Favorite memory with Cassie

Favorite memory with Marikar

Favorite memory with John

Comfiest bed you’ve ever slept in

Memory that makes you laugh from the past year

Favorite season of RPDR

Favorite Netflix show

Name a time where something good happened unexpectedly

Favorite memory working at Endeavor

Favorite childhood home/bedroom

Name a time where you were really excited to try something new

Name a memory that involved a beautiful sunset or sunrise

Name a time where you laughed so hard you cried

Name a memory with Sasha that makes you smile

Favorite youtube video you’ve watched this week

Favorite road trip memory

Favorite trip at Endeavor

Favorite memory living in Atlanta

Favorite memory living in East Boston

Favorite episode of UNHHH

Name a compliment that someone gave you that stuck with you

Favorite movie from the past 5 years

Favorite song from a musical

Top 3 female gymnasts

Favorite Christmas memory

Favorite Thanksgiving memory

Best birthday from recent memory

Inside joke or saying that always makes you smile

Name a time where you felt accomplished

Favorite memory from the past month