Building Blocks of Geometry

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Olesia Sutterlin's picture

Michael Serra - Discovering Geometry 1.1


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Line - a straight, continuous arrangement of infinitely many points

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Point - a location with no size

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Plane - A flat surface that has no thickness and extends infinitely in all directions.

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Collinear - on the same line

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Coplanar - on the same plane

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Line segment - a part of a line between two endpoints

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Ray - A part of a line, with one endpoint, that continues without end in one direction

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Endpoints - A point at one end of a segment or the first point of a ray.

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Midpoint - A point that divides a segment into two congruent segments

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Bisects - Divides into two congruent (equal) parts

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Segment Addition - If points A, B, and C are collinear and B is between A and C, then AB + BC = AC.

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