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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

Wake up at once, damn it!

¡Despierta de una vez, maldita sea!
m/expected "despiértate" or "despiértese"

and she laid her down on her bed
- to lay (s.o./sth) down
(to lie oneself down)

y la acostó sobre su cama
- acostar (trans)

I put the children to bed and then went to bed myself.
- to put to bed (to lay s.o/sth down)
(to go to bed, to lie oneself down))

Acosté a los niños, y luego me acosté yo.
- acostar (trans)

I get undressed at night.
- to get undressed

Me desvisto en la noche.
- desvestirse: (e->i) yo me desvisto

Uma undressed her.
- to undress (not "desnudar")

Uma la desvistió.
- desvestir (trans)

amid the maelstrom of the fire
- the maelstrom

en medio de la vorágine del incendio
- la vorágine

On the clock she saw that it was not yet 11 pm.
(the keys are on the table)

En el reloj vio que aún no eran las 11 de la noche.
(las llaves están en la mesa)

m/she debated internally
alt: m/she struggled internally

ella se debatió internamente

It would have been a little white lie.

Hubiera sido una mentirita blanca.

the unsuspecting tourists
- unsuspecting (unprepared)

los turistas desprevenidos
- desprevenido/a

when you see so many people walk on by
- to walk on by

cuando ves a tanta gente seguir de largo.
- seguir de largo

the subterfuge

el subterfugio

a neuropsychiatric condition
m/the psychiatric hospital

una condición neuropsiquiátrica
el neuropsiquiátrico

I was petrified when the teacher called me up to the front.
Hint; use an adj
- petrified
- to petrify (trans)
- to become petrified

Me quedé petrificada cuando el profesor me hizo pasar al frente.
- petrificado/a
- petrificar (trans)
- petrificarse

m/Well, this is as far as my attempt got.
Hint: up to here

Bueno, hasta aquí llegó mi intento.

the rearview mirror located inside the car
- the rearview mirror

el espejo retrovisor ubicado dentro del auto
- el espejo retrovisor alt: el retrovisor

She clearly saw the torments that would follow in the next few hours.
- the martyrdom

Veía con claridad los martirios que seguirían en las próximas horas.
- el martirio

a random kidnapping
- random (not "aleatorio")

un secuestro azaroso
alt: un secuestro al azar
- azaroso/a

Complaining wasn't of much use either.
- to complain (not "quejarse") (to bemoan)

Lamentarse tampoco servía de mucho.
- lamentarse

someone who intercepts another person on the street
- to intercept
- the interception

alguien que intercepta a otra persona en la calle
- interceptar (trans)
- la interceptación alt: la intercepción

The woman's voice was strangely familiar to her.
- strangely

La voz de la mujer le resultaba extrañamente familiar.
- extrañamente

The car stopped and the two got out.
- to get out (not "salir" "se bajaron")
(intrans: to go down, to drop
trans: to go down, to lower, to lose (weight))

El auto se detuvo y los dos bajaron.
- bajar (intrans)

What was the reason that led you to make the decision to resign?
- to lead (not "llevar") (to hem)

¿Cuál fue el motivo que te orilló a tomar la decisión de renunciar?
- orillar (L.A.) (trans)

I figured you'd be wandering around the area.
- to wander (around) (not "vagar")

Me imaginé que estarías deambulando por la zona.
- deambular

the unpainted walls
to take the paint off the wall

las paredes despintadas
despintar la pared

the house's boiler

la caldera de la casa

There is also a spa with sauna attached to the hotel.
- the sauna
- attached (not "sujetado") (annexed)

También hay un spa con sauna anexada al hotel.
- la sauna
- anexado/a

Would you look at the attached file? I'd like to have your opinion.
- attached (not "anexado"), enclosed
(to attach, to enclose)

¿Mirarías el archivo adjunto? Me gustaría tener tu opinión.
- adjunto/a (2)

The floor had puddles of water scattered everywhere.
- to scatter (to spill)

El suelo tenía charcos de agua desparramados por todas partes.
- desparramar(se)

the cement
to cement (lit., fig.)

el cemento
cementar (reg.: yo cemento)
