20th century topics ww1

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Monroe doctrine

A warning to European nations that the U.S. would not tolerate any further colinization

the assassination of William McKinley

Shot in buffalo, Was a former U.S> president and was killed by an anarchist


The expansion of one country into a smaller country or territory


the modernization of a less economically developed country

Butcher Weyler

A Spanish general that crushed the Cuban rebellion

U.S.S. Maine

Sank in Havana cuba and used the sinking of it to involve the U.S. in the war

Spanish American Reasons

-Americas supported the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule
- mysterious explosion of the battleship USS Maine in Havana harbor

Rough Riders

Volunteer calvary


extreme patrisoism

yellow journalism


Spanish American war results

US victory
relinquished claims of cuba
signed over guam, philipines and purto rico to the US

Platt Amendment

Outlined US role of Cuba
limiting Cuba's right to make treaties

Big Stick Diplomacy

Speak softly and carry a big stick
look powerful, but never plan to use your power

dollar diplomacy

Tafts plan to create the financial stability of an area

Roosevelt Corollary

US would only intervene in international affairs as a resort to ensure other nations fulfilled their obligations

Panama canal

connects Atlantic and pacific

Open door policy

Diplomatic policy in china


It sunk and killed American citizens

WW1 and canada

sent troops to Britain
2nd battle of ypress

WW1 and mexico

nutral country

unrestricted submarine warfare

using submarines to attack and sink all enemy ships, military or civillian

Zimmerman note

Telegram to mexico talking about unrestrited submarine warfare and to propose an alliance

American Expeditionary force

america sent troops

wilsons 14 points

blue prints for world peace
negotiations to end ww1

treaty of Versailles

caused ww2 assigned war guilt forced Germany to pay reparations

League of Nations

created after ww1 to stop another war from happening, failed, us did not join


America isolated themselves from world affairs