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What information does the Health Check provide?

Using a score, Health Check highlights security risks in Session Settings, Password Policies and Network Access Settings by comparing to Salesforce recommended values.

How can API usage be monitored?

API Usage Notifications can be setup and it will send email notifications if the org API usage reaches a certain threshold.

How can time-based workflows be monitored?

The time-based workflow queue will list any workflows that are waiting in the queue and the scheduled date.

How can data and file storage be monitored?

Storage Usage will provide overall data and file storage percentage size and percentage usage, as well as a breakdown into detail.

What information does login forensics provide?

Information regarding unusual behaviour in the org, including users logged in more than average, users logged in outside business hours, logins from suspicious IP ranges

How can the email log be used?

Check emails that were sent from a Salesforce org over the last 30 days.

How can the user creating a record or modifying a record be tracked?

Created By and Modified By are automatically tracked by Salesforce and available on the page layout.

What is Field History Tracking?

An auditing feature that allows a number of fields to be tracked for changed field values and capture old and new values, the date, and user that made the change

What is the System Overview useful for?

System Overview gives information regarding different areas that need to be monitored in one place. This include licenses, storage, API usage, business logic and user interface limits.

Which tool should be used by an administrator for troubleshooting if a user reports that a custom field is missing from the records of a particular object?

Setup Audit Trail

Which information would be displayed in the Setup Audit Trail if a delegated administrator made a certain change to a custom object in an org?

Date of the change, name of the delegated administrator, and information regarding the change.