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What can be customized in a Quote output?

A Quote template can be customized using merge fields from objects, such as Account, Opportunity and Contact. Similar to a Page Layout, the header and footer sections can be modified.

How can a Quote be sent to a customer?

After generating a Quote PDF, it can be emailed using the Email Quote button.

What is Quote Syncing?

Selecting one Quote related to an Opportunity and keeping the Opportunity / Opportunity Product and Quote / Quote Line Items in sync so that changes in one are reflected in the other.

What types of Forecast measurements are available?

Revenue or Quantity

In Collaborative forecasting, how can Forecasts be viewed?

Forecasts can be viewed by product family, revenue, quantity or both.

What is a Schedule Type?

A schedule type can be used to divide or repeat installment amounts.

What is the relationship between Opportunity stages and Forecast categories?

One or more Opportunity stages are mapped to a Forecast Category. For example, the Prospecting and Qualification Opportunity stages map to the Pipeline Forecast Category.

When are custom price books used?

When prices vary for different customers

What is the difference between a revenue and quantity schedule?

A revenue schedule tracks payments over a period of time, while a quantity schedule tracks delivery of a product over time.

In Collaborative Forecasting, which forecast date types are available for opportunity revenue and quantity forecasts?

Close Date, Product Date (Lightning Experience Only), and Schedule Date (Lightning Experience Only)

Where can default product schedules be added in Lightning Experience?

Product detail page

Which capabilities related to product schedules are available for opportunity products in Lightning Experience?

Schedules for opportunity products can be established, reestablished, updated, and deleted.

Which type of price can be set for an opportunity product by a sales rep to provide a discount to the customer?

Sales Price

What will the user experience be while trying to sync a quote with an opportunity if the quote's currency is inactive or the list price of one of its products is archived?

An error message will be displayed and the user will not be able to sync the quote.

Which type of forecasting can be set up if forecasts should be based on opportunity revenue splits?

Collaborative Forecasting

How can an administrator rename the forecast categories that are associated with forecast amounts?

By renaming the picklist values of the 'Forecast Category' field on the Opportunity object

What does the Forecasts tab display to a sales rep who wants to view his monthly sales revenue forecast?

Forecast amount for each forecast category and period and the opportunities that make up each forecast amount

Which values are used to predict sales revenues and quantities?

Opportunity Amount and Product Quantity

When sharing the Forecasts page with a user, which access level can be specified to allow the user to make adjustments?

View and Edit

Which forecast types should be enabled to use territory forecasts when both Collaborative Forecasting and Enterprise Territory Management are enabled?

'Opportunities by Territory' and 'Product Families by Territory'

When using the forecast type of 'Opportunities by Territory' based on 'Revenue' and 'Close Date', which fields on the Opportunity object are used to calculate the forecast?

'Amount' and 'Close Date'

When using territory forecasts in Collaborative Forecasting, what can be done to show rolled-up forecasts for a territory?

Assign a forecast manager to the territory.