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Cloud Applications II (11%)
Objectives of this section
Explain how to create and maintain service entitlements and entitlement processes.
Describe the features of Salesforce which enable interaction between support agents and customers (Chat, Case Feed, Service Cloud Console, Experience Cloud sites, Omni-Channel).
Given a scenario, understand the standard Salesforce suite of products that enable extending the core platform.
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Explain how to create and maintain service entitlements and entitlement processes
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Describe the features of Salesforce which enable interaction between support agents and customers
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Given a scenario, understand the standard Salesforce suite of products that enable extending the core platform
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What are the steps involved in setting up Entitlements and Entitlement Processes?

Create Milestones, Create Entitlement Process, Add Milestones to Process, Add Workflow actions to Milestones, Add Entitlement Process to Customer Entitlement

What are the 3 Entitlement models?

Entitlement only (determined by Account, Contact, Asset), Entitlement + Service Contracts (Entitlement purchased separately to product), Entitlement + Service Contract Line Items (Entitlement is specified in detail in a line item)

What is an example of an Entitlement Milestone?

The customer is entitled to a first reponse within 60 minutes.

What features can CTI provide to support customer agent interaction?

CTI provides an integrated softphone that can dial, answer, screenpop records, log calls, tranfer calls, and conference calls.

How does Web-to-Case work?

The HTML generated in Salesforce is embedded on a company website. Cases are created automatically from submission if data meets validation rules. If not, an email is sent.

What are the options for dealing with emails in Salesforce related to support requests?

Salesforce can accept incoming emails and automatically create cases. Emails can be related to existing cases if they include a reference number (thread id).

How can customers interact with agents in a Community?

Create Cases, use Chatter Questions, submit Ideas, comment on Knowledge

What can be used to define the structure and format of articles in Salesforce Knowledge?

Record Types and Page layouts

Once Lightning Knowledge has been enabled, what can be created to distinguish types of Knowledge articles?

Record Types

What can be created for easier classification of articles in a Salesforce Knowledge base?

Data Categories

Which Salesforce feature enables automatic creation of cases from incoming emails and attaching them to existing cases if they include a reference number?


Which feature integrates on-premise telephony system with Salesforce and enables a softphone which can be used to make and receive calls in Salesforce?


Which community feature allows customers to ask questions in Chatter feed, groups and records?

Chatter Questions

Which options are available to generate a web form for Web-to-Case for automatic creation of cases based on information submitted by customers online?

HTML Web-to-Case Generator, Visualforce and Sites

Which feature of Omni-Channel can be enabled to allow assigning work items to agents based on their skills?

Skills-Based Routing

What indicates whether an agent is available for receiving incoming work requests through Omni-Channel?

Presence Status

What can be used to route work items, such as cases to agents, based on skills?

Omni-Channel and Skills-Based Routing

Which user permissions should be granted to a user who needs to set up milestones, milestone actions, entitlement processes, and entitlement templates?

Manage Entitlements and Customize Application

Which feature can be enabled for a community to allow its users to post, vote for, and comment on suggestions related to products?


Which feature can be utilized by users of a self-service community to ask questions and receive answers to those questions from other members of the community?

Chatter Questions

How can an administrator configure Knowledge so that users can tell whether an article has been validated?

Enable the 'Validation Status' field in Knowledge Settings

Agents search Knowledge for articles about 'phones', while other agents search for articles about 'telephones'. What can an administrator configure to ensure that all agents find the same articles?

Synonym groups

Which feature can be used to make suggested articles and Knowledge component searches more relevant when solving cases in Lightning Knowledge?

Data Category Mapping

Which type of field can be created on the Lead object to allow support agents to relate a specific article to a lead?

Lookup Relationship

When using Lightning Knowledge, which actions can be performed by agents from the Articles related list on cases?

Agents can publish and delete articles, refresh the articles list, and perform different actions, such as Edit, Detach, Edit as Draft, and Insert Article to Email.

What can be used while creating a Lightning Knowledge article to quickly insert an existing text into the article?

Quick Text button

Which types of routing can be set up if some work items need to be routed using queues while others need to be routed based on the abilities of support agents?

Skills-based and queue-based routing

What can be accessed by a support agent in the chat toolbar to insert predefined text into a chat?

Quick Text button