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What can be done when duplicate Accounts are found, and what happens to the associated contacts?

The Merge Accounts tool allows up to 3 accounts to be merged, with associated contacts moved to the retained record.

What can be used to ensure standard and consistent values in field values?

Picklists can be used to ensure standard values are selected. Dependent picklists can be used to ensure consistent values are selected, with the values available in one picklist depending on what was selected in another.

What tool is available when records are created in error?

The Mass Delete tool allows records to be searched, selected and deleted.

How can data be enriched?

A Lightning Data package created by third-party data services can be installed from the AppExchange. It can be used to update matched records with the current information or add new records.

When can data quality be compromised?

Web-to-Lead, List Imports, Data Loader, Quick Create, Private Sharing Model

How can lookup filters improve data quality?

Lookup filters can be used to ensure that only relevant records can be selected.

How can reports and dashboards help with reactive data quality improvement?

Reports and dashboards can highlight missing or inconsistent data.

How can Salesforce records be updated with data from third-party data services?

With data integration rules, records can be compared/matched with data from third-party data services. Rules can be configured to update Salesforce records automatically when a match is detected.

How can validation rules help with data quality?

Validation rules can ensure that values are in the correct format, or make a field required or not able to be modified based on values in other fields. They can also prevent values being changed by certain users.

Why should Salesforce data be archived?

If storage limits are almost reached, to clean up data available to users, and make Salesforce more user-friendly

Which function can be used in a validation rule formula to look up a zip code in a custom object and verify that it matches the state entered by a user?


Which feature can be utilized to add information to an account, contact, or lead record in Salesforce from Twitter or YouTube profiles?

Social Accounts, Contacts, and Leads

Which options are available to export Salesforce data?

'Data Export' in Setup and Data Loader

Which permissions should a user possess on the Lead object to view the 'Find Duplicates' button on lead records?

'Read' and 'Delete'