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What are unmanaged packages typically used for?

Distributing open-source projects or application templates

What is the difference between a managed package and an unmanaged package?

A managed package is protected, upgradeable and is typically sold on the AppExchange. Unmanaged packages are not protected and can be used for distribution to others and can be modified once installed.

What can a change set be used for?

Moving metadata between related orgs, e.g. from a sandbox to production. It cannot be used for moving data.

What is required to use change sets in 2 orgs?

A deployment connection between the orgs and each org must explicitly authorize the other org to send change sets to it.

What are some restrictions of change sets?

Code must have 75% test coverage. Not all metadata types are supported. The order of components deployed cannot be specified. Cannot be used to rename or delete components.

What option can be used for distributing metadata to multiple unrelated orgs?

Unmanaged packages can be used to distribute metadata to unrelated orgs.

Which option should be chosen to move metadata in a scripted manner to multiple environments?

Ant Migration Tool

What can be used from the Salesforce user interface to migrate metadata from sandbox to production?

Change Set

What are the options for moving metadata between environments?

Change Sets, Ant Migration Tool, Salesforce CLI, Workbench, Unmanaged Packages

When using change sets, if required, what must be done manually for a component after deployment?

Renaming or deleting a component

Which integrated development environment allows deployment of metadata to any Salesforce organization?

Visual Studio Code

Which steps are followed in the target org once an outbound change set has been uploaded in the source org?

Validate, Deploy, and Monitor

Which test options are available when deploying a change set in an organization?

Default, Run Local Tests, Run All Tests, and Run Specified Tests

When using a change set to deploy an approval process, what is an important consideration regarding the deployment of custom fields on standard objects?

If the approval page fields include any custom fields on standard objects, they should be manually added to the change set.

What can be added to an outbound change set to specify permission for a custom field added as a component?


Which tool can be used to deploy metadata between unrelated organizations?

Ant Migration Tool

Which UI feature can be used to migrate custom fields and email templates from a sandbox to a production org?

Change Set

Which tool can be used for deleting metadata components from an organization?

Ant Migration Tool

When should dependent components be added to a change set?

Dependent components should be added to a change set unless they already exist in the target org.