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Are namespaces used in unmanaged packages?

No, namespaces are not used. If the organization is namespaced, it will be removed when the unmanaged package is created.

How are unmanaged packages distributed and controlled?

Unmanaged packages can be distributed via a URL link or via the AppExchange. The distribution cannot be controlled as the link can be used by anyone.

What are unmanaged packages typically used for?

Distributing free software, templates and open-source components

When is a sandbox not required as part of the application lifecycle?

If changes are simple and don’t require Apex code, changes can be done in production, using profiles to isolate the changes from existing users until ready to release.

What are the key milestones in an application lifecycle when a sandbox is involved?

Manage Requirements, Develop Changes in Sandbox, Test Changes, Deploy Changes to Production, Notify End Users of Changes

What is the difference between a Developer and Developer Pro sandbox?

Developer Pro has a higher storage limit. Both contain a copy of production configuration and not data. Both can be refreshed once a day.

Why would a Partial Copy sandbox be used instead of a Full Copy sandbox?

A Partial Copy sandbox is cheaper and can be refreshed more frequently (5 days). It has a data and file storage limit of 5 GB, so a template can be used to define the data copied (up to 10,000 records).

What is a full copy sandbox usually used for?

It is used when an environment that is identical to production is required for performance, load, regression or user acceptance testing.

What is the difference between a managed package and unmanaged package?

A managed package is protected, upgradeable and is typically sold on the AppExchange. Unmanaged packages are not protected and can be used for distribution to others and can be modified once installed.

If a company is planning on selling an application, would they distribute it using a managed or unmanaged package?

Typically a managed package would be used, as it can be protected and upgraded.

What does the ‘Deprecate’ function do?

Deprecate is used to retire the application and not allow any new installs using the URL.

What are the basic steps in a deployment plan?

Announce Maintenance, Validate Change Sets, Lock Users Out, Deploy Change Sets, Perform Manual Changes, Verify Changes, Unlock Users

What can a change set be used for?

Moving metadata between related orgs, e.g., from a sandbox to production. It cannot be used for moving data.

What is required to use change sets in 2 orgs?

A deployment connection betweens the orgs and each org must explicitly authorize the other org to send change sets to it.

What are some restrictions of change sets?

Code must have 75% test coverage. Not all metadata types are supported. The order of components deployed cannot be specified. Cannot be used to rename or delete components.

What is a Sandbox refresh?

Sandbox refresh is a process to replace an existing sandbox with a new copy including configuration, code, and data (depending on the type of sandbox).

What are the key milestones in an advanced application lifecycle?

Manage Requirements, Develop Changes in Multiple Sandboxes, Integration Testing, UAT Testing, Regression Testing, Deployment to Production, Notify Users

What is the difference between an inbound and outbound change set?

An outbound change set is sent from the source org and appears as an inbound change set in the destination org.

Which test options are available when deploying a change set in an organization?

Default, Run Local Tests, Run All Tests, and Run Specified Tests

When using change sets, if required, what must be done manually for a component after deployment?

Renaming or deleting a component

How can users be locked out during a maintenance window?

Updating login hours on profiles or using a maintenance profile for all users

What can be validated to ensure that a deployment will be successful?

Change Set

A quote template needs to be migrated along with other metadata to a production organization. How can it be achieved?

Manually, since change sets cannot be used to migrate certain components including quote templates.

Which type of package can be built if the package author needs the ability to seamlessly push updates to subscribers?

Managed Package

Why would a Salesforce partner use a managed package to include Apex code in an application?

Intellectual property protection through code obfuscation

What should an administrator consider when deploying a change set that contains a field type change?

The field type change can be applied manually in the target org to avoid delayed deployment

Which error occurs on the Deployment Connections page if there are no sandboxes provisioned?

Insufficient Privileges error