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What can be customized for standard fields?

Field Labels, Field Help, Picklist Values, Auto Number Formatting

What are the main custom field attributes?

Field Type, Default Value, Required, Unique and Case Sensitive

What is an External ID?

A field that contains a unique identifier from an external system and can be used for matching records when data is imported or integrated.

What are roll-up summary fields?

Fields defined on a master object that sum, return the min, max or count of a field in a related detail record

What must be configured when creating a custom object?

The Name field is a standard field that is added to custom objects to identify records. It can be text or auto-number.

What are the two types of relationships that Salesforce supports?

In Salesforce, there are two types of relationships between objects: lookup and master-detail. Many-to-many is a type of master-detail relationship between objects.

If there is a need to relate several teachers to several different classes, what type of relationship is this and what type of lookup is needed?

A many-to-many relationship, needing a junction object for the lookups

What is a self relationship?

A lookup to a different record of the same object

Which relationship do the records inherit the security and sharing settings of the parent record?


In a master-detail relationship between a standard and custom object, which object must be the parent?

The standard object

What is an app in Salesforce?

An app is a collection of tabs made visible to certain profiles. Salesforce comes with standard apps, or custom apps can be created.

What can be controlled in a page layout?

Layout of fields, buttons, links, publisher actions, report charts, Visualforce and related lists; related list fields, sort order and buttons

What are record types used for?

Record types are used when one object has different types or is used for different purposes. Record types allow different picklist values, page layouts and business processes to be defined.

What is a business process?

A business process is a way to capture the lifecycle of leads, opportunities, cases and solutions.

How are business processes defined and used?

Values for the status field are selected for a business process from the master picklist values. The business process is then assigned to a record type.

What happens when a custom field is deleted?

The field and data is deleted temporarily. The field and the data can then be permanently deleted (erased) or undeleted (restored). After 15 days, Salesforce will permanently delete.

How can formula fields be created?

As a simple formula, using merge fields and operators, or as an advanced formula using merge fields, operators and a range of functions

When would creating a formula field be appropriate?

When a read-only field is required and that is calculated based on values of fields (including fields in related objects) or based on a defined formula

Why must an administrator be cautious when changing field types?

Data loss may occur.

Why would an administrator create a Path?

To provide visual guidance for helping a user move throughs steps in a business process in Lightning Experience for custom and certain standard objects

What's the difference between record types and business processes?

Record types control the page layout and picklist values based on the selection of record type. Business process controls stages and then picklist values based on the stage of certain objects.

Which type of custom field can be created to store information about the preferred contact hours of a customer?
