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What is the difference between tasks and events?

A task is a to-do that may or may not have a due date. An event always has a duration.

What Activity Management features can be controlled using settings?

Shared Activities, Group Tasks, Recurrence, Activity Reminders, Multi-Day Events

Where can activities be found within Salesforce?

On the home page, calendar view or activity related-list (Salesforce Classic only) on a record

What are the different types of calendars?

User, Public Calendars and Resources

How do Group Tasks work?

A Group Task is a task that can be assigned to up to 200 users and Salesforce will create a separate copy of the task for each user.

When would Shared Activities be used?

When up to 50 contacts have to be related to one event or task, such as recording all of the people invited to a meeting

What can be customized with activities?

Similar to other objects, activity fields, validation rules, record types and page layouts can be customized.

In Lightning Experience, where can a user find activities related to supported objects?

The Activity Timeline

Where can a list of sent emails related to a record be found?

Sent Emails are listed in the Activity History related list.

What is a Chatter feed?

A sorted list of activities (posts, comments, record updates) related to a record, group or user

What is the usage of Chatter Topics?

Allows posts to be organized. Can also be used to add topics to records. Views can use topics as a criteria.

What is Feed Tracking?

Enables a feed on selected standard and custom objects. Fields can be selected, so that updates to those fields will be displayed in the feed

What are Chatter groups and what are the different types?

Chatter groups allow people to collaborate; can be private, public or unlisted.

What are the different types of Chatter licenses?

Chatter Free, Chatter Only/Plus, Chatter External

What are Chatter Publisher Actions?

Actions that are available from the Chatter Feed, such as Post, File, New Task, Poll. Standard actions are available, custom actions can be defined.

What can Chatter Only users do?

They can use features including groups, files, and profiles; view accounts, contacts, ideas, answers, content, dashboards, reports, workflows, calendars; and can access to up 10 custom objects.

What is a Chatter External license used for?

Invite customers (users outside of a company’s domain) to chatter groups for collaboration. They have no access to Salesforce objects and data

What can be done to avoid losing long Chatter posts?

Enable Drafts in Chatter Settings

What can Chatter Free users do?

Chatter Free users can access Chatter features but have no access to tabs or data.

Which license allows users in Partner and Customer communities to access Chatter?

Lightning Platform Starter

What are repeating events called in Salesforce?

In Salesforce Classic, it is called recurring events. In Lightning Experience and Salesforce app, it is called event series.

How can users be included in a calendar event?

By using the Attendees field

What data is available in the Salesforce App?

Standard and Custom object data is available

What functionality is not available in the Salesforce app?

Some standard functionality is not available such as Account Hierarchy, merge Accounts and Contacts, manage campaign members.

What functionality related to Users is available in SalesforceA?

Create new Users (iOS Only), Edit User Details, Reset Passwords, Assign Permission Sets, Activate, Deactivate, Unlock, Freeze, Unfreeze users, View Login History

What User related function cannot be done on SalesforceA?

Update Role field

Which mobile app can be integrated with a Salesforce org to allow users to share and edit documents via the Salesforce app?


Which environments are available for selection in the Outlook Integration side panel?

Production and Sandbox

Which checkbox can be selected in the Salesforce app by a user who would like Salesforce to run territory assignment rules when an account is updated and saved?

'Evaluate this account against territory rules on save' checkbox

Which related list can be accessed on an account record in the Salesforce app to view information about users in the account's territory?

'Users in Assigned Territories' related list

What are the different types of AppExchange use cases?

Generic, Functional and Industry Specific

Which Chatter feature should users use if they don't want to receive notifications about specific post?


What are some examples of Functional AppExchange use cases?

Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Finance, HR

What are some examples of Generic AppExchange use cases?

Document Generation, Data Loaders, Document Signing, Email, GeoLocation

Which type of solution can be downloaded from the AppExchange to connect Salesforce to a third-party system for accepting credit card payments?

Flow Solution

What are some examples of Industry Specific AppExchange use cases?

Healthcare and Life Sciences (Veeva), Real Estate, Education, Non Profit, Financial Services