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What is the Salesforce ID?

A globally unique ID assigned to each record when created; 15 digit case sensitive when displayed in the UI / reports and 18 digit case insensitive from API / Data Loader

What happens to deleted records?

Deleted records go to the recycle bin. After 15 days or if the bin limit is exceeded, they are permanently deleted. While in the recycle bin, deleted records can be restored.

How does storage work in Salesforce?

Storage is categorized into data and file storage. Data storage is used by storing records (usually 2KB each). File storage is used by attachments, files and documents.

When would an External ID be used?

When an identifier from an external system has to be used to import or update data

What are the options for importing and exporting data?

Data Import Wizard, Data Loader, 3rd Party Tools for Integration, Export from Reports, Data Export Service

How can Knowledge articles be imported to Salesforce?

Import Articles tool from the Setup menu allows articles and any translations to be imported into Salesforce Knowledge.

What are the main tools for data import?

Data Import Wizard and Data Loader

Up to how many records can Data Import Wizard and Data Loader import?

Data Import Wizard can import up to 50,000 records, while Data Loader can import up to 5 million records.

In what format is data imported, exported or deleted?

CSV format

What are the steps to import data?

Data selection, mapping, and import

Which of the data management tools cannot export data?

Data Import Wizard

Which of the data import tools can only be used by admins?

Data Loader

How can Knowledge articles outside of Salesforce be imported into Salesforce?

Import Articles tool

What can be done with the Mass Transfer tool?

Accounts, Leads and Custom objects and some related data can be transferred from one owner to another.

How can data be mass deleted?

The Mass Delete tool allows mass deletion of Accounts, Leads, Activities, Contacts, Cases, Solutions, Products and Reports. Criterion can be set to find selected records to delete.

How do validation rules work?

A formula expression is defined on an object and checked before a record is created or edited and saved. If the formula returns true, an error message is displayed and the record is not saved.

How can data be automatically exported?

The Data Export service can be used to export all or selected data weekly or monthly. An email is sent with a link to a downloadable zip file.

What is the difference between a matching rule and a duplicate rule?

Matching rule is used to identify duplicates. Duplicate rule defines what happens to duplicates – allow or block.

What actions can be taken by the administrator to ensure the data quality of an org?

Establish organization data standards and naming conventions, import clean data, remove duplicate records, and use validation rules.

When are validation rules enforced?

Enforced immediately on record save, prior to Workflows or Process Builders

How can system validation be used?

To enforce data type, data length, required fields or unique entries

When are custom validation rules used?

Used for custom complex validation rules that can involve one or more fields (standard or custom)

What are the implications of validation rules?

Validates data type, field length, enforces required fields and enforces unique setting

What happens when loading records through a Data Import tool and the required fields are blank or not matched?

Those records fail to load.

What happens when a formula in a validation rule returns a result “True”?

The record is not created or saved and an error message is displayed.

How does the unique field requirement differ from duplication rules?

The unique field requirement looks at specific fields and ensures there is no other record with that entry. Duplication rules are used for the record as a whole when only one record should exist.

What formula function is used to ensure the correct formatting of a field entry?


What are the formats available for exporting reports?

CSV files, Excel (.XLS or .XLSX) files

How does the Data Export service work?

All or selected data is exported weekly, monthly or on demand (maximum once every 7 days). An email is sent with a link to a downloadable zip file which becomes an inactive link after 48 hrs.

What are the options for exporting data?

Data Loader, Export from Reports, Data Export Service

In which case would a user run into issues with exporting data?

Accessing export download link 3 days after link was sent; exporting data from a Sandbox environment

Which Salesforce features for Lightning Experience allow finding duplicates across the org and merging them?

Duplicate Jobs and Duplicate Record Sets

How can you ensure that a Dashboard is not accessed by someone not authorized?

Store the dashboard in a folder that is accessible only by the authorized users

What are the different formats of reports?

Tabular, summary, matrix and joined

What impact does the sharing model have when running reports?

Security and sharing model settings are applied when running a report so users will only see data they have access to.

In a private sharing model, which records will be returned to a user in a report not owned by that user?

Records owned by that user and users below them in the role hierarchy

What customization options are available in reports?

Add grouping, define filters, define filter logic, define & name ranges in ‘Bucket’ fields, summarize number and currency fields, conditional highlighting of summarized values, custom summary formulas

What data will a dashboard display?

A dashboard will display data a user has access to if defined as ‘Dynamic’ or run as a ‘running user’ to display data that user has access to.

When are dashboards refreshed?

Manually or scheduled to refresh daily, weekly or monthly

Why would a custom report type be created?

To specify the types of related records included (with or without) and add additional fields, e.g., fields related to a lookup