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What are the three workflow evaluation criteria options that determine when workflow rules are evaluated?

- When a record is created - When it is created and every time it is edited - When a record is created and any time it is edited to then meet the evaluation criteria

How can workflow rules be evaluated?

If certain criteria is met or if a formula evaluates to true

What are the actions that a workflow rule can invoke?

Create Task, Send Emails, Field Update or Send Outbound Message

When are workflow actions executed?

Either immediately or after a number of days or hours from a date field or trigger date

What are the capabilities of an approval process?

Define a series of steps and actions for approving selected standard and custom objects that meet certain criteria.

What type of actions can be set for approval or rejection?

Create Task, Send Emails, Field Update or Send Outbound Message

What options does an approver have for responding to a request?

Approve, Reject or Reassign

Where can an approver see the pending request and respond to it?

On the Record, on the Homepage, Respond to Email, in App Notifications, Chatter

What are some use cases for approval processes?

Approval of Quotes/Contracts, PTO, Expense Reports, Overtime, Deadline Extensions, Discounts, Funding and Purchasing Requests, Authorization for Work

What are the steps to define a process in the Process Builder?

Define the object, define the criteria, select immediate or scheduled actions, activate the process

What actions are possible with Process Builder?

Create or update records, invoke a quick action, submit a record for approval, post to Chatter, send an email, invoke a flow, invoke Apex class

In what cases would Process Builder be used over Workflow?

When needing to create a record, submit for approval or launch a flow

When must Workflow be used and not Process Builder?

When needing to send outbound messages

Which automation tools allow sending an automatic email alert to a user when a new member is added to a Chatter group?

Workflow Rule and Process Builder

What are the two main types of flows in Flow Builder?

Screen flows and Autolaunched flows

What are the different types of autolaunched flows?

Record-triggered flows, Platform event-triggered flows, Schedule-triggered flows, Autolaunched flows (no trigger)

What are the three running modes in flows?

User or System context, System Context with Sharing, and System Context without Sharing

What element in Flow Builder can be used to execute a certain path if a criteria is met?

Decision element

What are the actions supported by approval processes?

email alerts, task creation, field updates, and outbound messages

What are the different stages in an approval process?

initial submission, final approval, final rejection, recall

Which automation tools support sending of outbound messages?

workflow and approvals

Which automation tool is capable of deleting records?

Flow Builder