Color Basics

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Color Basics


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Define: Hue

Referred to as color. A specific pure color with no other attribute.

Name the six principle hues

1) Red
2) Blue
3) Yellow
4) Green
5) Orange
6) Violet

What are intermediate hues?

The colors that lie between primary and secondary hues on the color wheel.

Name the three primary colors

Red, Blue, and Yellow

Name the three secondary colors

Green, Orange, and Violet

Define: Tertiary Colors. How many tertiary colors can be created?

Created by mixing a primary color with a secondary color. Only six tertiary colors can be created:
1) Red-violet
2) Red-orange
3) Blue-green
4) Blue-violet
5) Yellow-green
6) Yellow-orange

What are the two color schemes?

1) Complimentary Scheme: Opposite on the color wheel.
2) Analogous Scheme: Adjacent on the color wheel.

What are the mood attributes a complimentary color scheme brings?

-adds contrast
-warm & cool combo

What are the mood attributes of an analogous color scheme?

-One predominant color
-More restful look
