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5 Seeing Habits

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"Aim High In Steering"

How: Imaginary target- baseball/dartboard
What: Centers car in traffic lane. Safe path on turns
Phrase: "Find a safe path well ahead"

"Get The Big Picture"

How: How wide and deep? What's in it? Objects and Ground.
What: Keeps you away from billboards. Smooth stops and turns. Buys time.
Phrase: "Stay back and see it all"

"Keep Your Eyes Moving"

How: Move eyes: Front-2 seconds, Rear 5-8 seconds.
What: Keeps you alive at intersections. Keeps eyes ahead of car.
Phrase: "Scan don't stare"

"Leave Yourself An Out"

How: Space on all four sides. But always in front.
What: Have an escape route. Take path of least resistance.
Phrase: "Be prepared, expect the unexpected"

"Make Sure They See You"

How: Communicate- Horn, lights, signals.
What: Establishes eye-to-eye contact.
Phrase: "Don't gamble- Use your horn, lights and signals"