Missippi drivers

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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

If you are using arm signals, be sure to signal continuously for _________ before you slow down, turn, stop or change lanes.

100 feet

When you decide to leave the interstate, get into

the right lane at least one-quarter mile from your exit

This double arrow traffic sign warns that

a divided highway ends

Upon an underage Mississippi driver's second DUI offense, his or her license may be suspended for a period of

1 year

A Mississippi driver must maintain a temporary driver's permit for ___ before applying for a driver's license.

1 year

If you are 21 or older and you submit to the test and your blood is found to contain _____ or more by weight volume of alcohol, you will be considered to be under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The officer will demand your license and will give you a receipt for it


Drivers who are under the age of ______ must include a notarized parental signature on his or her permit or license application.


How long may a MS driver remain in jail following his or her first DUI conviction?

48 hours

An MS driver must provide proof of insurance at the time of an accident within ___ days of the event.

60 pays

What is the fine for a first DUI conviction for an underage driver in the state of Mississippi?


The maximum fine for a littering conviction in the state of MS is _________.


Upon an underage Mississippi driver's first DUI offense, his or her license will be suspended for a period of ____ days.

90 days

If a MS driver chooses not to maintain auto insurance on his or her vehicle, he or she must maintain a certificate of deposit or securities worth at least


A third DUI conviction within five years will result in a suspension period of up to ____ for a MS driver who is under the age of twenty-one.

2 years

If a MS driver's license was suspended because he or she wrote a bad check, the reinstatement fee is reduced to


The minimum multiple bodily injury coverage is ___________.


The minimum age a Mississippi driver can be when applying for a standard driver's license is


Multiple DUI offenses must occur within ___ years in the state of Mississippi.


If a Mississippi driver is convicted of negligent operation of a vehicle that causes serious injury or death, he or she may spend up to ___ years in jail.


The late fee for license renewal in the state of Mississippi is ________.


What is the fine for a first DUI conviction for an underage driver in the state of Mississippi?


Upon an underage Mississippi driver's first DUI offense, his or her license will be suspended for a period of ____ days.

90 days

The maximum fine for a second DUI conviction for a MS driver who is under the age of twenty-one is ________.


A MS driver's license may be renewed up to _______ in advance of its expiration date.

6 months

The minimum multiple bodily injury coverage is


How far away can a horn be heard?

200 feet

The maximum fine for a littering conviction in the state of MS is _________.


A third DUI conviction within five years will result in a suspension period of up to ____ for a MS driver who is under the age of twenty-one.

2 years

Upon a MS driver's first DUI conviction, his or her license may be suspended for

1 year

What is the fine for a first DUI conviction for an underage driver in the state of Mississippi?


A second DUI conviction will result in at least ____ days in jail for MS drivers who are over the age of twenty-one.

10 years

Vehicles driven in Mississippi must be covered by an auto insurance policy that includes at least ________ in property damage coverage.
