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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

the pocket notebook
- the notebook (Río de la Plata) (the scorer)

el anotador de bolsillo
- el anotador (Río de la Plata)

Will it become seasonal, like the flu?
- seasonal
- the seasonality

¿Se volverá estacional, como la gripe?
- estacional
- la estacionalidad

a tragicomic scene
- tragicomic

una escena tragicómica
- tragicómico/a

the intrigue
(to intrigue)

la intriga

crazy legends and conspiracy theories
- crazy (not "loco")
- the craziness (not "la locura")
- conspiratorial

leyendas disparatadas y teorías conspirativas
- disparatado/a
- el disparate
- conspirativo/a

the iconic Brandenburg Gate
- emblematic, iconic
- alt: iconic

la emblemática Puerta de Brandeburgo
- emblématico/a (2)
- icónico/a

He had been nearly surrounded.
- to surround (not "rodear")

Él había quedado prácticamente cercado.
- cercar

The orchard is fenced-in.
- to fence-in (to surround)

El huerto está cercado.
- cercar

How can we raise the money for the play?
- to gather (not "juntar"), to raise (money) (not "recaudar")

Cómo podemos reunir el dinero para la obra?
- reunir (2)

the option
(two pronunciations)

la opción
L.A.: ohp-syohn
Sp: ohp-thyon

to insinuate, to suggest
the insinuation, the suggestion
the insinuating/suggestive voice

insinuar (2) yo insinúo
la insinuación (2)
la voz insinuante (2)

The sculptor used disparate elements in his sculptures.
- the sculptor
- the sculpture
- to sculpt
- disparate

El escultor utilizó elementos dispares en sus esculturas.
- el escultor, la escultora
- la escultura
- esculpir
- dispar (m/f)

We have dissimilar tastes in music.
- dissimilar (disparate)

Tenemos gustos dispares de música.
- dispar

I stepped in a puddle and got my pants dirty.
- the puddle
- to get dirty

Pisé un charco y me ensucié los pantalones.
- el charco
- ensuciarse

the pool of blood
- the pool (the puddle)

el charco de sangre
- el charco

The dust dirtied the windows in the house.
- to dirty
- the window (L.A.) (the glass) (not "la ventana")

El polvo ensució los vidrios de la casa.
- ensuciar
- el vidrio (L.A.)

the propaganda, the advertising
to propagandize

la propaganda (2)
hacer propaganda

the trophy

el trofeo

Maria had not contributed enough to receive the pension.
- to contribute (not "contribuir")
- the contribution

María no había cotizado suficiente para recibir la pensión.
- cotizar (intrans)
- la cotización

The company which went bankrupt was listed on the Nasdaq.
- to be listed

La compañía que quebró cotizaba en el Nasdaq.
- cotizar (intrans)

They priced the artist's painting at several thousands of dollars.
- to price

Cotizaban el cuadro del artista en varios miles de dólares.
- cotizar (trans)

to subsist
the subsistence

la subsistencia

The master instructed his student in the art of painting.
- to instruct
- the painting (the paint)

El maestro instruyó a su alumno en al arte de la pintura.
- instruir
- la pintura

The judge who will hear the proceedings has decided to bring the hearing forward.
- to hear, to try (both legal) (to instruct)
- the proceedings, the trial (both legal) (the process)
- the hearing (legal) (the view, the sight)

El juez que instruirá el proceso ha decidido adelantar la vista.
- instruir (2)
- el proceso (2)
- la vista

All the money they save they will use it to ...
- to save (money) (to gather, to join, to put together)

Todo el dinero que junten lo usarán para ...
- juntar (note subj)

(working to achieve their dream)
They know the most important thing is to persist.
- to persist (to insist)

(trabajando para cumplir su sueño)
Saben que lo más importante es insistir.
- insistir

We must become aware of our errors.
- to become aware of

Necesitamos tomar conciencia de nuestros errores.
- tomar conciencia de
